About Artist



23 February 1956 – born in  Sverdlov Region
1975 – graduated I.D. Shadr Art College in Ekaterinburg

1981 – entered Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture

1987 – graduated Leningrad Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
The diploma work «Struggle for Peace» was nominated for the Big Gold Medal of Academy of Arts of the USSR

1987-1991 -worked in the State Kishinev Pedagogical institute in the position of Head of the Department of Drawing
1992 – to this day – working as a associate professor at the I. Repin State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture as an assocoated professor



The Academy of Art Research Museum, Leningrad

The Exhibition of the Best Diplomas of the Academy of Arts. The carton The STruggle for Peace was nomonated for The Big Gold Medal of The Academy of Arts of the USSR

The Central Exhibition Hall of the State Moldavian Art Museum, Kishinev

The Autumn Art Exhibition of the Moldavian Artists


Tighina Art Gallery, Moldavia

The Exhibition of Artworks of the Instructors of the Art Educational Institutions


Aachen, Germany

The Exhibition of the Artworks of Moldavian Artists


St.Petersburg, Kolpino

The Exhibition of the  Artworks of theArtists of Kolpino


St.Petersburg, Kolpino, The Crown of the North (Severnaya Korona) Art Gallery

The Exhibition of the Artworks of the Artists of Kolpino


St.Petersburg, Kolpino, The Crown of the North (Severnaya Korona) Art Gallery

The Exhibition of the Artworks of the Artists of Kolpino


St.Petersburg, Kolpino, The Crown of the North (Severnaya Korona) Art Gallery

The Exhibition of the Artworks of the Artists of Kolpino


Lappeenranta, Finland


Russian Art Exhibition


Imatra, Finland

Russian Art Exhibition


Helsinki, Finland

The Exhibition of the Artworks of the Russian Artists, Art Gallery «Art Baron»


St. Petersburg, The Russian Academy of Arts Recearch Museum

The Spring Exhibition of the Artworks of the Professors of The Repin Art Institute


St. Petersburg, The Russian Academy of Arts Recearch Museum

The Spring Exhibition of the Artworks of the Professors of The Repin Art Institute


St. Petersburg, The Russian Academy of Arts Recearch Museum

The Spring Exhibition of the Artworks of the Professors of The Repin Art Institute

The Exhibitions in:

Edingurgh, the UK

Cork, Ireland

London, the UK


St. Petersburg, The Russian Academy of Arts Recearch Museum

75 Years of the Traditions and Innovations. The Exhibition was devoted to the 75-th Anniversary of the St.Peterburg Union of Artists

Shanghai, China

Russian Art in China


St. Petersburg, The Russian Academy of Arts Recearch Museum

Dublin, Ireland

Art Ireland

Beijing, China

The Exhibition in the National Palace of Culture of China


St. Petersburg, The Russian Academy of Arts Recearch Museum

St.Petersburg, Art Gallery N-Prospekt

The Exhibition The Way to the Temple

Moscow, Central Exhibition Hall  «The Artist Home»

The Exhibition At the Turn of the Millenium


Beijing, China

The Exhibition in the National Palace of Culture of China

Russian- Chinese Fund of Cultural Exchange

Dong Ying, China

The Russian Art Exhibition

Jantai, China

The Russian Art Exhibition


The Exhibition «The Dreams of Russia»


Shanghai, China

«Vast Art» Art Gallery, the Exhibition of Russian Painting

Bejiing, China

The Russian Art Exhibition in the Russian Chinese Cultural Exchange Fund


St. Petersburg, The Russian Academy of Arts Recearch Museum

      Albums and Catalogues

  1. At the turn of Millenium, N-prospect, 2010
  2. Russian Painting, Yantai, China, 2011
  3. Russian Painting, Dong Ying, China, 2011
  4. The Laureates of the Cultural Heritage Fund, 2012
  5. Edinburgh Art Fair — 2007
  6. Dublin Art Fair — 2008
  7. The Cork Art Fair — 2007
  8. Affordable Art Fair, NY — 2007
  9. The Contemporary Art of Russia, Painting, China, 2008
  10. St.Petersburg Art Union, Spring Exhibition, 2008  Many Artist’s artworks are stored in museums and private collections in Russia and worldwide.































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